system dysfunctionality subcategories: > denial of service (3) > virus - security (5) four projects in this top-level category
Incorrect Music 2 by Andreja Andric Where software becomes an art form, software development becomes an art practice. Consequently also code testing and code inspection, as activities towards discovering errors in code, become likewise part of the artistic process, being integral part of software development process. This little work is an example of accepting a programming error as a constitutive part of the creative result. [...]
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Satromizer.pl by jon.satrom & bensyverson # ____ _ _
# / ___| __ _ | |_ _ __ ___ _ __ ___ (_) ____ ___ _ __
# \___ \ / _` || __|| '__|/ _ \ | '_ ` _ \ | ||_ // _ \| '__|
# ___) || (_| || |_ | | | (_) || | | | | || | / /| __/| |
# |____/ \__,_| \__||_| \___/ |_| |_| |_||_|/___|\___||_|
# Now with Color ANSI!
# http://jonsatrom.com
# [...]
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blog.botnik.net by no:sler blog botnik is a self erasing blog. everyday a letter will be replaced by a grey square and the images (jpg) get compressed from 100 to 0. after 100 days the entry erases itself.
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Incorrect Music by Andreja Andric Where software becomes an art form, software development becomes an art practice. Consequently also code testing and code inspection, as activities towards discovering errors in code, become likewise part of the artistic process, being integral part of software development process.
Errors can be catastrophic or just amusing, but sometimes they lead us by a shortcut to secret places we would [...]
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